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Money, money, money... that is all I ever hear.

Everything in this world is concerned with those crisp pieces of paper and loose change that 'major' people like The Royal Family and celebrities don't think twice about. 

Think of Katie Price for example - she will fly all the way to America just to have her hair extensions glued in - obsessed much? Whereas I don't even have hair extensions and my friends that do just clip them in themselves, pretty simple if you ask me. It really doesn't take a flight to America and thousands of pounds to be beautiful but apparently money can buy beauty and happiness nowadays. 

I often compare myself, a twenty year old student with lets face it - not a lot of money, against those famous and 'beautiful' women such as Victoria Beckham. They have everything I don't have and many girls my age aspire to be like them. Who wouldn't? Beautiful, perfect nails, freshly cut, blow dried and straightened hair and yet they haven't done anything themselves except marry a famous footballer or something of the sort. Don't get me wrong, many of the WAGS are beginning to make something of themselves, from singing to having their own fashion line but who really made them famous? A man who runs around a football pitch and is often accused of sleeping with someone else other than his wife in a hotel room. 

I think it's time that the media stopped paying such close attention to celebrities and focussed more on major, life threatening events that are occurring in the world. Our society is turning into one which is ruled by money. Every young girl wants to be like the models we see on our TV screens, read about in magazines and hear about on the radio however all anyone should really wish for is a successful career in something they love to do with aims of being the best they can be - beauty can come without a price!