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SECOND year is over.
                  I can hardly believe it, it only feels like yesterday that I was at home packing my life up for the big move to University. Then I blinked. I've spent two whole years at Northampton and two good years at that. From Fresher's fortnight, meeting new people, drunken nights and a lot of hard work, I have really enjoyed my time as a student. 
                 I have just broken up for the summer holidays, something that couldn't have come soon enough. The hell of the last two weeks at University was something I never want to experience again. From confusion over changed deadlines to a lack of communication from the lecturers, MB5 (our study room) was chaos. I had peers holding the assignment box open for me ten minutes after the deadline, with other friends of mine still printing and burning their work onto disc. Crazy!
               The law and government exam, on the other hand, went fairly well. Everything I revised popped up in the paper so I couldn't have asked for better questions. I guess we'll just have to wait for results now...

Roll on the summer!
