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We gon' party like its your birthday.

Birthday balloons x
So my 21st birthday was on the 7th of December and boy was it one to remember. I can't deny I was excited to be turning 21, its characterised as a 'special' birthday and that made me want to celebrate in the best way I could afford.

 It took me weeks of "umming" and "ahhing" to decide whether or not I should hire a venue and have a huge party. Once I'd finally decided that I did want a big hall to dance, drink and be surrounded by friends and family all celebrating my day, it was too late to get anywhere. Me being me hadn't thought about the fact that my birthday is close to Christmas and companies had already hired the venues for their work dos. Major fail on my part.

After all the rejections from places that would have been just perfect, the annoyance kicked in and I turned into a miserable sod. Planning birthdays can be so stressful at times, particularly once the gloominess of constant planning overrides the initial excitement. I didn't want to celebrate my 21st at all and my decision wasn't budging.

I won't lie to you, I'm a stubborn mare when I want to be. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything that is done for me and love my family, boyfriend and friends to death. However when I really want something to go my way and it doesn't, I'm not best amused to say the least.

Anyway enough off that. I soon realised that I needed to buck up my ideas and continue planning what could be the best birthday I'd ever had. Did it pay off? HELL YEAH. My Boyfriend and I had arranged to get a minibus to Bournemouth with a large group of my closest friends to party hard at 'V' club. I wanted to get out of Reading and celebrate in style, in an unusual town, somewhere different with new faces, a variety of music and of course, cheap alcohol.

Luckily I'd managed to book the weekend off of work so I had the whole day to prepare for my big night. I rose from my pit early and it was straight to the hairdressers to get my mop cut, layered and thinned. After my mane was perfected it was back home for a hot bath, a glass of archers and fake tanning. Girls you all know that this can be a long and time-costly process.

Rushing around like a mad-woman, I rapidly dried off and changed into everyday clothes before racing to pick my boyfriend up from work and driving straight to town for my makeup appointment. I was running late which made me panic. I still had to curl my hair, get dressed, pick people up and pre-drink. AAH.

My friend Olivia works for Clarins so I was lucky enough to have a sneaky free makeover. I have some good contacts I know, ha ha. I left her shop feeling like a new woman. My face was deeply cleansed and moisturised with the perfect coloured foundation, pale pink blush and smokey eyes looking just right. No orange tide marks, no eyeliner smudges...result!
Kirsty and I in Bournemouth x
 A couple of hours later I was fully ready to drink more than I should with people I can't live without. The pre drinking began at my house and continued on the minibus with pit stops for a quick ciggy and bladder releasing. Music was blaring through the speakers and everyone was eager to get to the club. The night continued to be amazing, I received a special shout out, many drinks and a brilliant time.

Jay and I in Bournemouth x
 Once the night was over and we drunkenly piled onto the minibus to slounge on the seats and be driven home, I realised my actual birthday was only 3 days away. I had planned a lunch with my family and an evening at a cocktail bar with my boyfriend that I was looking forward to. What I didn't know, however, was that there was surprises in store for me.

The morning of my birthday was lovely. I received some beautiful gifts including a Thomas Sabo bracelet and lots of charms along with perfume, trainers, a top, vans and many more gifts from my boyfriend. The next present came at lunchtime - my friend Abby, who lives in Australia, flew over to surprise me. I couldn't believe my eyes as I walked into the lounge and saw her sitting there on my sofa, I hadn't seen her for a year, my eyes welled up and I was already having the best birthday ever.

Table decorations!

The evening came around quickly and before I knew it, it was time to get
ready for an evening of cocktails at Mix Bar with Jay. Walking straight to the bar determined to get a birthday drink down me, I was oblivious to the bright pink VIP area. Seconds later, though, my ears were ringing at the squeaks of "SURPRISE!" coming from familiar voices. I couldn't believe it. Jay had arranged a surprise night with all of my friends, all of his time, money and effort had literally made me the happiest girl alive. The night was filled with drink, dancing, and laughs.

Becky, Rochelle and I at Mix Bar x

The champagne bottles were soon popped and everyone raised a glass to me turning the big 2-1. I had the best birthday ever!


My cocktail.


Christmas xXx

I absolutely love Christmas. The coming together of friends and family, plates full of glorious food, litres of tasty drinks and of course the excitement that present opening brings. All of that along with good films and fun games, what more could you want?

My stocking :)

This Christmas was just as good as the younger days although very different in many aspects. Strangely, I didn't wake up until 10:30 am. I'm usually the first up in the house nagging at my brother to wake up so we can open our stockings together - it's a family tradition. This year, though, I slept in later and opened my stocking presents on my own whilst he was still asleep.

Christmas morning x
Next was the exciting bit.... downstairs for the main presents! Despite being 21 I walked into the lounge, eyes closed and my body filled with excitement. With my eyes now open I could literally feel them widening as I scammed the room and saw my name flicker off of gift tags and wrapping paper, I had a huge pile of gifts to open.

Surrounded by my brother, his girlfriend, my mum, my step dad and my dog, the unwrapping began. The first present I unwrapped was a beautiful gift box filled with divine makeup. I wanted to reach to the sky and yell hallelujah. I've been skint for months and my face has definitely known about it. Usually I'd have a makeup bag full of goods but the past few months I've been using the last scrapes of the same foundation pot, or borrowing my friends' and my mums when I'm lucky enough. This was a brilliant gift; sending huge thanks to my aunty and uncle! A jet black mac mascara that never fails to elongate my already fairly long lashes and make them stand out from afar is always a gooden. But it didn't stop there. I got the lot. A jet black eyeliner, an eyeliner sharpener, an amazing navy blue glitter eyeliner, a beautiful gold nail polish, foundation and a gorgeous peach lip gloss. A-m-a-z-i-n-g.

Some of my gorgeous gifts x

The unwrapping of presents was paused while my Grandma and Uncle Matt popped over to see us. This year we were having dinner just the five of us, very different to the usual 'huge family' Christmas. However it was nice to spend the rest of the morning with them. We watched Miracle on 34th Street, ate salmon and cream cheese on toasted french bread and washed it all down with laughs and a cold glass of Schleur. Perfect morning, but it was back to the presents.

Watching my brother open his present from my boyfriend and I with a huge grin on his face made Christmas even more special. It's not always the receiving but the giving that counts. We brought him the Lost DVD box-set which he was overally happy about, if I lose sight of him in the next couple of weeks at least I'll know why. My step dad opened his bottle of Jack Daniels whilst my mum opened her beautiful black leather handbag, both were happy with their gifts from us - result.

The next thing I eagerly opened was a beautiful crystal 'R' charm for my Thomas Sabo bracelet that my mum bought me for my 21st birthday a couple of weeks back. The crystal caught the light as I opened the beautiful gift box and my heart melted at the scene. If there's a way to please a girl, it's got to be with crystals. I was in love. With each flicker of the light my beautiful charm sparkled as if to say 'here I am.'

Many more presents were opened between the five of us and happiness filled the room, after all 'tis the season to be jolly. The first part of the afternoon was spent lazing around and watching Christmas films with the smell of turkey, roast potatoes, honey roasted veg and stuffing filling the house. Christmas dinner went down a treat. Everybody went back for seconds and the desserts were just divine. All in all, wonderful food and glasses of Bucks Fizz were consumed in celebration.

Following tradition, the next thing to do was open our tree presents where I was showered with a beautiful large black diamante ring and a pale blue Cath Kidston phone case decorated with beautiful pale pink and white flowers.

Pleased with my gifts and in the general christmas spirit, I drove to my boyfriends mum's bearing gifts for his family. We had been so excited for this day having spoilt everyone rotten. Jay's nephew, 18 months old, received an awesome pirate ship ball pit, a divine pale blue Ralph Lauren polo top and another top from us. Jay's youngest sister, 6, was happy with her pile full of hello kitty goodies and her peppa pig earmuffs and his other sister, Sophie, 18, was over the moon with her beautiful turquoise shamballah. His parents were happy with their gifts and everybody enjoyed playing card games and having a good time.

Jays presents from me :)

Later that evening it was back to my house, this time with the boyfriend, for more present opening, too much chocolate and more champagne. I was amazed by my presents from my beautiful boyfriend. A brand spanking new Swarovski crystalised white Ice Watch and a gorgeous navy blue Barbour coat finished with a layer of fur around the hood. He loved his trainers, Ralph Lauren clothing, slippers, Gillette set and everything else: hurray! Watching Bridesmaids on DVD, which my brother had brought me, along with cuddles was the perfect way to end christmas.

Absolutely amazing festive season this year, bring on 2012!


Top five favourite songs of the year xox

Friends: Do we really know who they are?

I've heard the saying 'friends come and go' but I never really believed it. All of my friends had always been there whether it be for a shoulder to cry on, to celebrate my birthday or to fill me with laughs. Not one of them had let me down. Until now.
I know as you get older your lives change and you find yourself working constantly, settling down into a serious relationship, moving out and the rest of it. But does that really stop you from having time for your friends? I'm at university, in a completely different town from most of them during the week, yet I still have time to call and text them - check they're okay and let them know that I'm still there even when i'm not in sight.

Apparently, though, some of them can't do the same. This society that we live in today secludes girls and boys from being friends, according to the people of today you can't have a friend of the opposite sex without wanting to get jiggy. What.A.Joke.

It has never been like that with me and my 'boy' friends. Of course I care for them but as brothers. Is that really so wrong? Apparently so.


Mine and Josie's TV package for our group project :)

Christmas time, mistletoe and wine...

THE HOLIDAYS are here and I can't bloody wait for five well deserved weeks off of uni.

Work, work, work and more work. That's all I've been hearing about and doing since September. Bored much? The answer is yes indeed! From an assignment on the History of the BBC with special regards to their 'very British' style of broadcasting to group projects based on motorsport, I have been snowed under by books and paper. But hey ho, all assignments are handed in for first term which can only mean one thing... ITS CHRISTMAS!

Girls and boys open your advent calendars and hang up your stockings, Santa is preparing our gifts and will be on his way to us in a matter of days! Merry Christmas! Have a food and alcohol filled day with family, friends and thoughtful gifts...ENJOY


Life ❤

I need these beauts in my life ♥

Kurt Geiger Precious Sequin; this is the way to melt my heart! xox