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LONDON was swarming with thousands of lecturers and students protesting against an increase in student fees yesterday lunchtime.

FIGURES suggest that over 20,000 protesters stuck together in order to pressurise the MP's who will vote for the £9,000 tuition fees at the end of this year. 

Evidence from photographs and video captions reveal the marchers strong feelings of hatred towards Prime Minister, David Cameron, and Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg. Banners made by the students themselves were claimed as "offensive" to both Cameron and Clegg, often accusing them of 'betraying the students,' in somewhat ambiguous terms. 

It has been revealed that over 50 people were arrested throughout the protest, turning the 'noisy but good-natured' march into a 'violent breakaway.' A small group left the march and gathered around the Millbank office building. Windows were smashed and at least seven police officers were badly injured at the scene, causing distress for the rest of the public who were simply at the protest to put their opinion across in a good manner. 

Within a matter of moments, demonstrators had forced their way into the entrance upon the smashing of the windows. Those closer to the scene say that the protesters violently smashed everything in sight with unreal amounts of ferocity. 

Instead of the good turn-out of students making a desperate call for tuition fees to stay as they are, some over rowdy middle year students displayed their levels of violence through a 'hijacking' of the protest, taking it away from it's planned route. Now all that can be predicted is that MP's will indeed vote to treble tuition fees and students will be left with no justice whatsoever. 

This march is definitely one that will be televised and remembered for many years.

Rheannon Sandell

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